Friday, April 19, 2019

Let Her Sleep on the Couch

Fairbanks, Alaska

Got a letter from Mom and also Ruthie and Bill today was sure surprised to hear from them.  Glad the plans for their house are going so well.  Ruthie didn’t have too much to say except about the house and that you and the kids were going out for dinner Sat.

Neil likes his job, well enough because he’s going to be a big shot in a short time.  Bub is really a good kid and he likes his job alright too.  He’s helping take care of the airport working for the state.  Jerry finally got lined up with a job his morning but don’t go to work till Thur.  He’ll be an apprentice meat cutter at Safeway’s. 

Bob did loan Neil a car for 2 or 3 days till we got jobs that was all.  Neil was in charge of it.  He even took the two trucks we brought up and drove them to Anchorage for Bob. 

Glad Tiki’s feeling better cause she’s probably a lot of company to you and the kids.  Sure hate for anything to happen to her now.  So, go ahead and let her sleep on the couch but not on the bed.  You might get shot at that, when I see you.

(Conclusion in next post)

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