Thursday, August 22, 2019

Meeting of Minds, Part II

Lois set her fork down, sat back in her chair, and crossed her arms. “So, what if I do? It’s nobody’s business but mine,” she said, raising her voice so it carried. Her hazel eyes held a dark glint as she looked around the room and there was a split second of silence, and then the normal chattering magpie conversations resumed. She lowered her voice and leaned forward. 
Her companions leaned in to hear over the magpies. “Besides,” she said, with a playful smile, “I don’t want him to think I’m easy.” 

“Ha!” Polly barked out a laugh. “Gal, ain’t a man in the Can thinks you’re easy.”

Anna and Doris laughed. “Isn’t that the truth,” Anna said.

“Keep your voice down,” Lois said, peering around the room, but nobody was paying attention. At least, not that she could tell. 

Doris cleared her throat. “Bill is a good man, though. Everybody says so.”

“Yeah,” Lois’s eyebrows shot up, “especially the women.”

Anna smiled. “Well, Mark and I know Bill pretty well, and yes, he’s been a bit of a playboy ever since he came back from the war, but it’s not like he’s ever been married and is a cheater. He’s just been sowing his wild oats—”

“Yeah, and I bet they’re all sowed by now,” Lois interrupted, much to the delight of Doris and Polly. 

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