Thursday, October 24, 2019


March, 1958

“I don’t really think we should get married at church,” Lois said. “And, I think we should do it next month.”

Bill stopped rolling his cigarette, set the half-formed cigarette down and looked at her across the table.

The river paid them no mind as it meandered past the screened porch on the back of Florence and Clair’s house.

“What? Why?” Bill asked. “I thought you wanted to get married at your church and you and Flo have already started planning the wedding.”

Lois watched as the thin cigarette paper slowly unrolled and the tobacco strands unraveled to lay like brown straw on the white paper. She lifted her eyes to his. “Well, I thought that too, but now it just doesn’t seem all that important. She patted her stomach.

“Let’s just get married at the courthouse. That way we can do it faster.” She averted her gaze, stared out over the swirling water. “You know, before I start showing.”

“Showing? Showing what?”

Looking at him, she smiled. “I’m pregnant.”

Mouth dropping open, he jumped up, knocking his chair over. “What?” he said, almost yelling.

“Shh, not so loud,” Lois said, looking around. “Do you want everybody to know?”

to be continued...

*Author's note: This is a fictionalized version of what I was told by Mom. 


Pennie E. said...

Surprise, surprise, I had not heard that before....good thing they started early or Billy would not exist.

C.Y. Bourgeois said...

I know! LOL! Back then it would have caused all manner of tizzies, even though they were over 21 & getting married.