Saturday, September 28, 2019

And That Was It

Part I:
 “Yaaa!” Bill yelled as he cannon-balled into the river with a huge splash. Water sloshed up over the edge of the dock and splattered the mass of kids hanging out in the sun.  He swam out towards the rowboat anchored out in the middle of the swirling St. Joe River.  

Sunlight glistened off the top of his bald, wet head as he hauled himself up onto the side of the boat and screams emitted from within as the boat rocked precariously from side-to-side, inches from taking on water as it dipped down and up and back down. Two sets of legs waggled in the air when Lois and her niece, Lorraine, sat up, laughing and holding on to the sides of the boat for dear life. 

“Hey ladies,” Bill said as he hauled himself over the side like a wet seal and plopped on the floor beside Lois. He shook his head and sprayed her with bright drops of water.

Lois sputtered and wiped the water off her face and arms. “Bill!”

“Hi.” Lorraine climbed over the seat and curled up against his wide chest. 

He wrapped his arms around the dark-haired twelve-year-old.  “How’s everything out here in the girl’s boat, Rainy?”

“Good.” She smiled up at him, her warm blue eyes and sweet smile so like her mother’s. Her long hair was pulled back in a braid that emphasized her heart-shaped face. “But, it’s not a girls’ boat anymore now that you’re here too.”

He grinned down at her. “Nope, it’s just a boat now. A boring old boat.” And with that, he began to rock the boat back and forth.

Rainy latched her hands on his arm and laughingly squealed. “Stop it, Uncle Bill.  Stop.”

And that was it. Lois was a goner. She knew in that moment, watching him with her young niece, that he was and always would be the love of her life.

to be continued...


Pennie E. said...

Now that’s a story I’ve never heard before...cute.

C.Y. Bourgeois said...

They were good together, which made them excellent parents!