Friday, July 12, 2019

Sure Miss You Honey

July 9, 1962
Fairbanks, Alaska


Enough for that Honey, now for the latest.  Neil is still working 5 & 6 days a week but I can’t figure out what he does with his money, he always seems to be broke, as a matter of fact he borrowed $20 from me the other day.  He also bought an old pickup truck for which he paid $150 & he says it’s a gas hog and uses a lot of oil.  He found him a cabin, outside toilet and carries his water.  $90 per month.

Bub left last night for home so you ought to see him pretty soon.  He’ll have some money for you too.  He’s really a good kid and everybody liked him real well and hated to see him go.  He only had enough money for his plane ticket so I let him take the $50 I was going to send to you so he’d have enough.  Said when he got home, he’d bring the money out to you and tell you what has been happening here.  Jerry finally got a full-time job and seems to like it pretty well.

Well, Sweetheart, how are things going there?  Good, I hope.  Things are sure starting to look a lot better all round.  How are the two Indians?  Staying out of trouble, I hope.  Sure miss you honey and wish you were all here right now.  Boy, it’s sure been a long time hasn’t it?   

How are all the folks and everybody else?  Fine, I hope.  Now that I’m going to be working steady and get squared around, I’ll have more time to write to the folks and other people.  Oh, I finally got a letter from Kenny, didn’t have much to say though but was sure glad to hear from him, got to answer his letter too.

1 comment:

Pennie E. said...

I love how your dad included information on work hours, pay, rent, it was of course important information to your mom, but is so interesting to us today. Your dad and his friends were real pioneers.