Saturday, June 1, 2019

Maybe Things Will Start Happening

 June 28, 1962
Fairbanks, Alaska


I get to working steady maybe things will start happening, I hope.  Sure wish I had that old Ford here, sure would save a lot on shoe leather.  Don’t have too much trouble getting a ride to and from town getting so there’s a lot of people know me now. 

This trip with Dick I’m doing it because he was trying to help me when I wasn’t working and then again who knows maybe he can help me with some transportation problems in the future.  Am taking my camera along so I can get some more pictures too.

Sounds like you’ve been having your share of trouble so I won’t bother you with mine.  Just kidding.

Honey, the car might have to have a new battery because I think the old one might be getting bad.  If it does you might have to wait a couple of weeks before you can get a new one.  As far as the boat goes go ahead and let them use it, only wish it had a better motor.  Why don’t you tell Larry to look around for a better one?  If we didn’t need the money, I’d give him the old Ford.  Hey, tell Larry to take the ‘42 Ford and that damn old boat motor and trade them both off for a good one.  Good idea, “huh”.

You might know little miss uppity-up would pull a stunt like that.  Wait’ll she gets up here, after the first winter I’ll bet she’ll wish she’d never come up here.  I don’t think she’ll ever change either. 

Instead of clobbering Carla crate her up and send her up here. be continued... 

Note: Hey! What did I do this time? Also, was I Miss Uppity-up or was it someone else? Actually, I'm pretty sure I know who he was writing about and it wasn't me! 😃

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