Thursday, June 13, 2019

Balancing Act

Mom was having a tough time dealing with everything while Dad was gone. Trying to keep the bills paid and with what little money they had saved and the small amounts Dad was able to send every few weeks was difficult to say the least. 

Chasing their two toddlers was a full-time job, the dog kept getting sick, and then then, on top of everything else, the T.V. went kaput. She didn’t even want to ask what else could go wrong, because plenty could. But being a strong woman, she dealt with all of it. 

Added to that was the sorting of their possessions, getting rid of what she knew she wouldn’t be able to leave for a renter or take to Alaska, and balancing her deep sadness at the prospect of leaving her family with the bright excitement at the thought of being with her husband, making a new start, embarking on a great adventure.

All of it was tough, but so was she. 


Lori said...

I never realized how hard it was for Mom while she was waiting to go to Alaska. She really was tougher than I knew.

C.Y. Bourgeois said...

It was hard. She wanted Dad to be happy, wanted to be with him, but she had a difficult trade-off in leaving her family. I feel like I really understand now because I had to make the same trade-off. I'm not as tough as she was though...not by a long shot!