Friday, June 7, 2019

Be Good and Dream About Me

June 28, 1962 
Fairbanks, Alaska

...last installment...


Well, here we are back and got Dick all unloaded and, in his apt. Boy, he’s sure glad it’s all over so he can get settled down.  There for a while he was running both airports.The trip took about 12 hrs. to drive down in his car.  We left Thurs. Night about 9 and got there Fri. morn., about 9, worked all day packing and loading the truck then started back.  Got back here this morning (Sun.) about 1:30 grabbed some shuteye and unloaded this afternoon.

The trip was real nice and we saw a lot of beautiful country and about 8 or 10 moose, the bulls are just starting to get their horns now.  Got to see Mt. McKinley but it was too cloudy to get any pictures.

Sure would have been a lot better trip though with you and the kids.  Besides that, you’re all going to see this part of the country.  And soon too.  I hope.

Sweetheart, don’t say anything to Irene but Neil got kicked out of the apt.  Don’t know all the details but do know he’s looking for a place to stay.  He’s been out here and they’re all filled up so I don’t know what he’s going to do.
Jerry finally went to work at Phillip’s Field rewiring electric motors and Bub is still working too.  I’ve got to call Bill in the morning to find out about work there.  If that’s no good, Neil said he’s got a line for me someplace else.  Boy, everybody is sure pulling for me.

By the way sweetheart, if things work out right how long do you think it would take you to get ready to come up here? Something might happen yet.  Well, sweetheart guess I’d better close for now so I can get this letter in the mail so you’ll get it.

Tell everybody “Hi” for me and not to worry and give the kids a big hug and a kiss too.

Sorry it took me so long to finish this letter, but I think I’m building some good will toward me this way.

Am closing now sweetheart, so be good and dream about me, cause I sure do miss you and the kids more than you’ll ever know.

Always Your Loving Husband,

P.S. Go ahead and get a T.V. if you want to, I don’t care.
Love and kisses, Bill

Note: " be good and dream about me..." Wow, that line brought tears. I already knew how sweet my dad was, but this really emphasizes his loving nature. I miss you, Dad. 


Lori said...

I just love reading these letters and realizing how loving and sweet Dad was. He didn't show that side very often...and least not that I remember. I loved that line too. Thanks again for doing this. It really means a lot me. I miss them every day.

C.Y. Bourgeois said...

I'm so glad you like this means a lot to me. I hope Mom & Dad would like it too.