Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Final Letter, Part III (Postscripts)

August 13, 1962
Fairbanks, Alaska

P.S. Check with the insurance office and get a pink slip to come through Canada. Also, when you get ready to exchange your money don’t exchange it all because in Canada you gain money, exchanging back to ours you lose. Exchange about $100.00 to Canadian and if you need more you can get a little more exchanged. Also, I just found out it might be a good idea to have the car’s insurance policy, registration and maybe your birth certificate too.

You never know what they’ll ask for at the border. If you bring the 25-caliber pistol, you’d better send it to me or hide it real good and tell them at the border you don’t have a hand gun with you. Can you make room for my bow?

Hope this answers all the questions about the trip. By the way Honey, when you get on the Alcan at Dawson Creek the best speed to travel is between 50 -60. Can you pick up a couple of natural rubber inner tubes to carry along? They can be put inside tubeless tires and save a lot of trouble.

Sweetheart, knowing you, you’ll make the trip with flying colors.
Love and kisses,
Your husband,

P.S. Am sending you my St. Christopher medal to protect you on the way. Also sending my camera so you can take pictures on the way. You should get some good ones.

When you get to Dawson Creek take your time and enjoy the scenery and obey the signs on the Alcan after you leave D. Creek. Believe me, I know they mean what they say.

Love Always,

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