Monday, December 9, 2019

This Cold, Hard Country, Part III


August 5, 1962
Fairbanks, Alaska
Glad the kids got the silver dollars I sent them. Right now, I’d give a million of them to have you all here right now. Tell Billy and Carla how much I miss them and hope to see them soon.
Glad everybody had a good time at Silver Beach and I know the kids are a lot of bother but from what you have told me they really do try hard to be good. Can’t aske for much more than that, I guess. Sure glad the cut on Carla’s head wasn’t too bad and Billy’s shiner gets O.K. Tell Billy I said he’d better be nice to sister or I’ll get him (fat chance).

Glad to hear you’ve been going out to the folks once in a while. Tell them I haven’t forgotten them but I’ve been trying to help here and there at the boat, my laundry and I’m just too tired and lazy to write to everybody. Got a letter from Dollie, Kenny, Judy, Ruthie and the folks. An going to answer them this week.

Well, I guess I’d better close for now and get some sleep so I can get up in the morning and get his letter mailed with some money for you.

Will write later and tell you more. Goodnight sweetheart and hope to see you soon.
All my love & kisses,
Your loving husband,

P.S. Think it over and let me know if you want to drive up or not.

P.S. Did you get the other pictures I sent, they’re supposed to be in slides and sent to you. Jerry bought a car and I ride to work with him. He’s sure changed a lot.
Love Always,

P.S. Start sending my mail to:
Riviera Boatel
Box 1421
Fairbanks, Alaska
I’ll get it quicker seeing as I can’t make it to the P.O. before they close.

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