Friday, November 22, 2019

This Cold, Hard Country, Part I

August 5, 1962
Fairbanks, Alaska

My Dearest Lois and kids:

Received both your letters and am sorry it’s taken me so long in answering. I don’t get to go to the P.O. every day., maybe only once or twice a week and that’s why it seems like it takes so long for me to answer.

Don’t worry honey, I haven’t forgotten you or anyone else. How can I when I love and miss you so much, so please don’t think that.

Sweetheart, you said you couldn’t see why I want to sell the trailer. Well, I’ll try to explain. You see, when we decided to let me come up here, I thought it was to live. Anyway, that was my intention and I thought that’s what you wanted too.

The big reason I said maybe we ought to sell the trailer was that maybe we could pay Uncle Fred a big chunk and have enough left over for a down payment on a home up here.

Honey, I know you think I’m a little nuts at times but I’ve got a feeling this is it. Honestly, things are so different up here especially the people, you can’t beat them. Like everybody keeps telling me, this country grows on you bad and after the first winter you don’t even want to go back. 

Sweetheart, I don’t want to come back and go to work for $2.00 per hour when I can make $3.00 doing something I like better and I don’t have to punch no damn time card anymore. I’m positive you’ll like it and learn to love this cold, hard country.

If you could rent the trailer for about $60 a month that would pretty well cover the payments and everything on it. I wouldn’t take any less than that for it though. You know if we had it up here it would bring about $100 to $150 dollars a month.

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